This is probably the service most looked for in our arsenal of Motorsport related services, which allows us to be selective about to whom we supply this service. It is an integral part of our Driver-Management service and for example it is not a part of the Career Management service. We engage in Sponsorship Searching strictly based on an existing contract with a driver in our management or, in case of a team, only when it is competing in a premier International Championship.

The importance of Media and Marketing in Motorsport Success: Media & Marketing generates awareness, awareness generates funding and funds generate Performance. – (Frank van Nunen, CEO GP24)

We understand that acquiring the budget for a racing season unfortunately is one of the most important parts of achieving success in Racing. Therefore, we analyse the career possibilities of a driver as well as his marketability before we engage in sponsorship sourcing.

Maximizing the budget is as important as developing the driver, and GP24 Media, PR & Marketing S.R.L. has about 30 years of experience in the field of managing and supplying sponsorship proposals, e-brochures, website and general PR needs.

A professional, well published sponsorship proposal and the proper handling of it may be the deciding factor between that crucial deal coming your way, or just being put straight in the bin.

GP24 Media, PR & Marketing S.R.L. has specialists in sponsorship pitches and proposals, tailoring each presentation and pitch to suit the prospect’s needs and expectations. Having worked with large blue-chip brands in a sponsorship environment is very different to tailoring your pitch to an investor.

GP24 Media, PR & Marketing S.R.L. has experience in pitching to all types of backing, whether it be a small, medium or large branding sponsorship deal, or any size of private investment, we can tailor the pitch accordingly.

Are you looking to acquire the budget for the best next step in your career and feel that you are marketable and have a good chance of a success career in Motorsport, contact us for a free of charge evaluation of your career and sponsorship sourcing possibilities.